Friday, October 29, 2010

The Story of Us: The Nurse and the Nerd

Well, I just realized I got so excited about wedding stuff I forgot to introduce my future hubby and myself! So, without further ado: the story of us.
We met almost 3 years ago (my how time flys) online. YES! I MET MY FIANCE ONLINE! Don't judge me. He's more than a little shy, and I was underwhelmed by the selection in my college town, so we just so happened to both join Yahoo personals. The first night, we chatted for hours, and the second, we had a phone conversation when we got offline. That weekend, I had to go to Kansas City from Lawrence for a teachers training for work. Conveniently, my man lived in KC. So...we met up. In Barnes and Noble down in the Plaza District. We went to dinner at P.F. Changs, but the wait was so long we moved across the street and played Monopoly in Restoration Hardware while we were waiting. It was really fun...slightly awkward...but really fun.
Three days after meeting, I started nursing school in Topeka, KS....the OPPOSITE direction of my man. Lucky for us...I never have been much of a we still got to spend most weekends together. I'm not going to say it was always easy, because I would be lying, but we made it through.
After I finished nursing school, I moved up here to Kansas City (even though that meant moving to Missouri, which made the KU part of me cry) to live with my future hubby. We got two kittens, and along with my dog from Lawrence, we now have a lovely little family.
Along with our family is our work. I work in one of the city's busiest Emergency Rooms (which is always busy), and FH works for a large corporation here as a Database Administrator (aka: computer guy). FH finally proposed while we were on vacation last month in San Francisco (he was there for work), and in the last month we've been planning our wedding!
I imagined a MILLION different ways for him to propose. Literally. But he actually surprised me! We went into a photo booth down in San Fran, where he popped the questions as it was taking shots! The pics were put into a magnetic frame, and it now proudly sits on our refrigerator.

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