Saturday, October 30, 2010


You know the song "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend"? I want to take a moment to say that I disagree completely. Why, you ask? Because SHOES are a girl's best friend. They always fit, they can make a drab outfit into something fabulous, and they're much less expensive than diamonds. I LOVE shoes. Love them, love them, love them. Have I made my point? Yes?'s time for me to show you what I got in the mail today:
                                                                    (personal photo)
Oh, that's right: MY WEDDING SHOES!!!
So, from the beginning I knew I wanted blue wedding shoes. They're adorable, and blue is one of our colors, so why not? Then I started searching online, and found some fabulous blue heels. My heart became EVEN MORE set on blue shoes for the wedding, and why not? Just look at these babies:
                                                Paris Hilton: Spelled. Image from
Martinez Valero: Zoie. Image from

Aren't they adorable? Admit it...if you didn't want blue heels before this post, you do now!
Then my mother brought up a good (and slightly disheartening) point while I was trying on dresses. I'm having an outdoor wedding. Surely I don't want to wear heals through the grass?
Shoot, I hadn't thought about that.
As I mentioned before, I'm significantly shorter than both my future hubby and my maid of honor. I need the height heels provide! NOO!!! What's a short girl having an outdoor wedding to do? The answer: buy wedges! 
Now, finding dressy wedges is harder than it may sound. While I have several pairs of wedges with the straw/cork bottom, that simply didn't seem formal enough to go with my La Sposa gown. So I searched, and searched, and searched some more. Then randomly on eBay Monday...I found them: They're by Charles David, and they were perfect. And better yet, they were $15 online. The last picture didn't do them justice, so I decided to show you one in better lighting:
personal photo

Sigh. I'm so happy! Does anyone else love shoes as I do, or am I just a crazy person?

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