Sunday, October 31, 2010

No Day of Coordinator (and how I'm NOT going to go crazy because of it)

So, on just about any wedding blog anywhere, you will see something along the lines of "I wish I'd have gotten a Day-of-Coordinator. It would have saved me so much stress!". In fact, my parents offered that a DOC be another part of the wedding they chip in for. I just wasn't comfortable with it. And why would I need one, when I have my Llamas?

Now, most people don't call their friends Llamas. I recognize that. However, we lived in a Scholarship Hall during college that had the Llama as its mascot. I won't get into that story here or now, but how that came to be is a truly touching story. SO, anyway, I still have four very close friends from school that have agreed to be my Llama Helpers on my big day.

When deciding who I wanted to have be my unofficial, but fully capable DOC(s) for our wedding day, I looked for three qualities:
1) Assertiveness: for when the caterer shows up late, or the guests want to start the bonfire before we've planned.
2) Responsibility: because they are following my directions, and I'm more than a little type-A. I'll be making them all a day-of timeline (which of course I'll be sharing with you).
3) Respect: I have a friend who the other day posted on facebook "just call me JLo, I'm the wedding planner" before spending a weekend helping a friend on some DIY projects for that girl's wedding. Now, if someone attempted to claim creative insight to all of my wedding ideas, I would just have to lose it. It's not because I don't find other peoples help amazing, or that I'm super possessive, but when you spend MONTHS and MONTHS (if not YEARS) planning a wedding, it's best to feel the gratification of all of your hard work.

Also, I love my llamas, and I wanted them involved in our wedding. Though we're only having one person stand on each side of us, a part of me wished I could have all of them up there as well. This will keep them involved without messing with the small wedding feeling. Plus, since there's four of them, I'll give them each smaller things to be responsible for, so they don't feel overwhelmed and can enjoy the party!

Is anyone else skipping having an official DOC?

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