Friday, October 29, 2010

Dressing my girls (well, girl)

My baby sister is going to be my Maid of Honor on my big day...and I couldn't be happier about it. However, I have to admit one thing, for a brief moment I thought about NOT having her be my MOH, and it was for a completely selfish reason. You see, my sister is pretty. No, pretty doesn't cut it. My sister is GORGEOUS. I'm very pretty. I know this, but sister o'mine, she has that almost-model type beauty. She's almost 6 foot tall, blonde, and blue eyed. I was worried that her standing next to me might somehow take away from my beauty on my special day. Well, that was silly, and I know that, but still. Here's a picture of her to give you an idea:
                        She took this picture herself one day, in our childhood bathroom. Sigh.
So...I've decided her beauty will actually make me look MORE pretty on my day. You know, surround yourself with good people and you become a better person? Same idea, just on the outside ;-).
Now that I've got that teeny bit of insecurity out of the way...I can get on to dressing my gorgeous little sis.
She's in college now and came to visit me over her fall break. We decided (on a whim) to go shopping for her bridesmaid dress. We decided to go for two reasons. 1-summer dresses are on clearance in the fall, and 2-we really like shopping. Want to see what we ended up with?
                                                              personal photo
I know you can't see the fabric well from the picture, but it is a BEAUTIFUL bright blue. It's a nice almost-jersey fabric that lays fabulously on her figure. Oh, and the best part? It was twenty dollars. Thank you T.J. MAXX! I am making her wear flat shoes, be they ballet flats or silver thongs, because if not I will look very, VERY short (she's almost 6', as I said, my fiance is 6'2", and his brother  is 6'. I'm 5'5"). Yeah.

Who else gets excited about fabulous wedding finds?

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