Friday, October 29, 2010

All the pretty colors...

So, half of the fun of having a spring/early summer wedding (in my mind at least) is bright colors!
When discussing wedding colors with the future hubby, he had only one thing to say:
"I don't care, just no purple please."
Hmm...well I like purple! It means lilacs! Sigh...such is life. Oh, and I don't like pink. Oh, and I can't have orange or yellow anywhere near my pasty whiteness. So, you may be asking, what ARE your wedding colors?
Well let me show you:
I couldn't find the exact green color I'm going for, but if you look at the green dress in the upper right, you'll get the idea of the correct green.
I love's my favorite color. In fact, my e-ring is green (more on that later). And blues just compliment greens so well, it's simply meant to be.
I would like to bring up, however, that I am NOT one of those brides where everything has to match. In fact, when dress shopping with my sister (who is my maid of honor, and only bridesmaid), I told her there were only 3 rules: 1-it can't show too much skin, 2-it must be summer appropriate, and 3-it has to be some bright blue or green. I'll show you how successful we were in another post. I want to be stress-free (or almost stress free) on my wedding day, and matching napkins to centerpieces to earrings just doesn't sound stress-free to me!

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