Monday, October 18, 2010

A fresh beginning to a beautiful world...

Hello all!

As you can tell, this is the first installment of  KC Thrifty Bride! While this blog is primarily a way for me to share my plans, diy tutorials, and other wedding-related ideas...I'm always looking for feedback. I want for this to be a community of local brides who share thoughts in a friendly, safe environment. That being said: here's why I'm looking forward to KC Thrifty Brides:

I (and probably you, if you're looking here), live in the center of the country...not the coasts. We are pretty neglected when it comes to "picture perfect wedding planning". There are not as many great resources here as maybe in other places...and many new brides just don't know how or where to start.

I don't want my wedding to look cheap, but I also don't want to pay for a wedding what I would pay for a new car, especially in such tough economic times. It's always difficult to see wedding invites for several hundred dollars, dresses for several thousand, etc.

I will not be having the "big white wedding". My wedding is going to be small-medium sized (approximately 50 people). I'll explain this decision later. Many posts are for huge weddings or tiny weddings. I'm having something in-between.

Now-what you can expect from KC Thrifty Bride:

Tons of tutorials. Like I said, I want thrifty, NOT cheap. In order to accommodate this, I'll be doing lots of projects DIY style...and I'll walk you through them step by step.

Budget-saving ideas: I've spent a lot of time looking into various venues, caterers, etc. All of them are very reasonably priced for what they offer. I obviously chose only one venue for my wedding (and I'll unveil them soon!) but have done a lot of comparison of other venues. Also, want to save on a dress? Bridesmaid attire?  I've got ideas for that too!

Support: your wedding is NOT supposed to be the day you spend the next several months panicking about. I'm going to burst a bubble right now: your wedding will not be perfect. The trick is being as prepared as possible, and being able to accept that even though things may not be perfect, you'll be married at the end of the day...and that's the important thing (if you disagree with what I just said, you should possibly re-consider getting married).

I hope that you enjoy my blog...and feel free to comment/share ideas with myself and other brides.

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