Friday, October 22, 2010

Date Drama

You know the flood of questions you get when you announce your engagement: "OMG, have you set a date? What are you colors? Where will it be? Will there be an open bar"? OK, so the last questions was asked by the best man as a joke...but you get the idea. For this discussion, let us focus on the first question: "Have you set a date?". Since we were on vacation when we got engaged, we had the luxury of attempting to answer this questions before we returned home, and had to face all of the questions. Sitting in the bar of a restaurant, I asked FH: "So...May or September?". I didn't want to get married in June or July. Hot, high wedding season here in the Midwest, and I wanted an outdoor wedding, so I didn't want November or December. FH's immediate response: "eh...everyone's sick of weddings by September. I vote May". May! Hooray!
Now...this is where the drama began. My sister is in college, and her finals end on the 20th of May. Obviously, I didn't want my MOH (maid of honor) crying, stressed to the max, or having to cram in our dressing room the day of, so I wanted to wait until her finals were done to tie the knot. That left us the 21st and the 28th of May.
The issue was this: My cousin is graduating from High School this May. It wouldn't kill me if she couldn't come, HOWEVER, my grandmother is on the "must attend" column of our guest list. I couldn't make her choose between her granddaughters, so I called her and asked her when Kelsey is graduating. "Hmmm...let me call her mother and ask. I'll call you back ASAP". I waited, and waited, and waited. I finally just looked it up on the school website myself. May 14th. Awesome. In the clear. The 21st or the 28th will work. Rock on.
Then I finally get the call back from my grandma. "Well, Linda (my aunt) says the 14th, but Kelsey (my cousin) says the 21st. Huh? Now I was confused. When I asked for elaboration, she said they (the school) wanted to change the venue, and that if they did, the date would be changed from the 14th to the 21st. Oh, and they wouldn't know until DECEMBER! WHAT?!? Well...I'm not waiting until December to book my venue, caterer, photographer, etc., so I guess I'll go with the 28th, just to be safe. My grandmother is concerned that the graduation could even take place on the 28th, and requested that I reserve my venue for both the 21st and the 28th, just in case. No. No is the answer. If this High School (which has about 700 kids in the graduating class) tries to have a graduation on Memorial Day Weekend, there will probably be a riot. I'm not worried about it. Whatever.
May 28, 2011 is when we will be getting married. Done.

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