Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Taking back my house...and my sanity!

With wedding planning I've found that a lot of things get put on the back burner. I came home from work yesterday morning and came face to face with one such thing: keeping my house tidy!

Now, my house is clean, don't get me wrong. With wedding planning though, I've apparently started making small piles of wedding related things around the house. I clearly hadn't noticed this while making the piles, but yesterday I walked into my home and thought my brain would explode!

So, I've decided that I'm spending today (with the exception of blogging!) cleaning my house...starting from scratch.

But how will I keep my house clean after today? I've decided to implement something that I should have started long ago:
Wedding Wednesdays!
Now, Wedding Wednesdays may not always take place on ACTUAL Wednesdays, because my job doesn't have a regular schedule, and I'd estimate I work about every other Wednesday night. Here's the basic idea: I will only pull out wedding things from my sacred wedding lair (aka: the small guest room) one night a week. This should keep the piles to a minimum, and hopefully make it so that I don't come home and feel immediately overwhelmed.

To clarify, I will still be working on wedding related things on other days than Wednesdays, because if not my DIY projects will suffer. BUT, I won't pull out stacks of paper/other things to show my future hubs except for one day per week.

Has anyone else not noticed how consuming wedding planning is until it's too late (and then have to spend a whole day cleaning/organizing)?

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