Monday, November 22, 2010

Dealing with the non-traditional: part II

Whenever I say that we're not having a very traditional wedding, I get looks like this:
(I chose this pic b/c no other look says "what a dummy" quite as well...and I love House)

We are choosing not to have a religious ceremony (cue looks from future in laws as well as coworkers).
We are having a very short, small wedding, with a small-ish guest list (cue look from FMIL).
We are registering for a honeymoon instead of random house things (cue looks from almost everyone).

I'm so sick of the looks! 

Here's how I've decided to approach the whole thing from now on: It's a backyard BBQ, just at another house. We wanted to do a BBQ in our back yard initially, then decided it probably wasn't practical, so we decided to book an outside venue. No one ever complains when their friends/family have a back yard party, so I've decided maybe we should just approach it as described. 

What we want:
Laid-back atmosphere
Only our closest friends and family
Not religious
Some gifts, but not obligated
Good food
Yard games
Everyone to have a great time, INCLUDING US!

What we're currently being pushed toward:
Formal: "You're invitation wording is WHAT?!?" (I'll put my invite DIY in a post within the next few weeks).
Pressure to invite every relative/babysitter/friend of parent imaginable (Ummm....our wedding?).
A religious ceremony (I actually had a coworker tell me that my wedding wouldn't be recognized by God, nor should it be recognized by anyone else if we didn't have a minister officiate). 
Honeymoon registry what? You may as well just ask for cash (sigh).
Good food-no one can take that away from us!
Yard games, though the guests we've talked about this with seem skeptical, they think it could be a good time.
No one will have a good time, because it seems we're offending people left and right. I don't want to spend my wedding day worried about other people, which is why I'm working my tail off NOW so everything can be as guest-friendly as possible. 

Now, I'm a very assertive person (which is important in my job). I don't let people push me around, and the fact that I have been letting the above look get to me to the point where I've considered actually CHANGING some things that are so important to me and my fiance on our wedding day is NOT acceptable. So here is my stance from this point forward:
Yes, we are getting married. Yes, it will be laid back. Yes, we will have a good time. If you want to mess with any of those things, accept it as it is or don't come to the wedding. 

Seriously, if people can't be supportive of you on your big day, do you really want them there?

Has anyone else had trouble with outside opinions when planning their wedding?

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