Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wedding dreams (well, nightmare)

You know how I'm telling everyone not to stress too much about your wedding? It will all be OK? Maybe not perfect, but at least OK?

Apparantly I need to give myself that pep talk, because last night I woke from:

NOOOOO!!!!! So much for stress free!

Here's what happened, or at least what I can remember:
It was May 23rd, the wedding is May 28th, and I was at work when it hit me:
"Oh nuts, my wedding is in 5 days". I had no more done than I have done today. Nothing. As in, hadn't even made invitations. The rest of the dream consisted of me panicking, trying to throw together what I could in just a few days. It involved me tripping over my gown because I'd forgotten to get it hemmed, and my friend not making my cake because she'd assumed the wedding had been cancelled because she hadn't gotten an invite.

Now, my fiance is convinced this is just my crazy planner coming out, trying to tell me that I should spend some more time on wedding projects.

Well crazy wedding planner part of my brain: YOU WIN. I have tomorrow off from work, and you'd better believe that I will be making some serious headway in my DIY projects, because I WILL remember to send out invites.

With this now planned, hopefully I will spend tonight sleeping like this:

Goodnight all!

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