Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Google Docs Rocks My Socks (off)!

Yes, I TOTALLY just tried to make a cheer about a computer program, because it has made my wedding planning much easier (and more groom-helping friendly). If you haven't heard of google docs, you should immediately go log in to gmail. If you don't have a gmail address yet, MAKE ONE! It's totally worth it, I assure you.

You see, with google docs, you can make excel spreadsheets, powerpoint presentations, and microsoft word documents and share them with others, and you can allow them to edit them. It is fantastic. For example: our guest list. We have our guest list on an excel spreadsheet. Having that be on google docs means that when future hubby remembers (or thinks of) someone he wants to add, he doesn't have to remember to edit the spreadsheet when he gets home. Instead, he can edit right there in his cubicle. Same with the budget. And the playlist for music. Also (my personal favorite part), I've made future hubs to-do list a google doc, so he can keep me up to date on his progress as we work on things together!

Does anyone have any computer programs they use that makes their wedding life easier?

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