Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bye-Bye White!

Our venue (as we've previously discussed) is fabulous. So fabulous, in fact, that they include a tent rental/tables/chairs/linens/tent lights ALL included in the venue cost. Awesome, right? Right. The only drawback?  It's all white. Yeah. All white. Now, how am I going to brighten up the tent without spending a bundle? Let me show you!

First: Table Runners.
We're having long tables to serve our guests during dinner. My mom and I were in Hobby Lobby shopping for things on my Mega DIY Checklist, and came across these fabrics. Too cute! Plus, they were 30% off, which means I could squeeze them into our budget.
personal photo (ignore the toilet paper, the kittens brought it in for me to see)

Second: Placemats
Also going on the plain white table will be place mats. They'll be all blue, and will be easy, because they're really just scrapbook paper!

Third: Centerpieces
Although my first centerpiece plan fell apart, I still have some other options. For example, look at these babies! My grandmother has TONS of mason jars, and we could paint them ourselves for virtually nil:

Fourth: Candy Bar! 
Since we're having a candy bar for favors anyway, we figured we may as well have it set up in the shelter of the tent, where the elements won't melt our M&Ms. Plus, it's a great way to throw in extra color:

Fifth: Ceiling Decor! 
With all of the pretty colors from the eye level down, I think it's necessary to add a little pop to the top of the tent as well. Right now I'm trying to decide between these two ideas:
Mobiles-take more effort but would look great with the long tables

Or banners/bunting-definitely the less expensive option, as it's pretty much glue, tissue paper, and twine:

Yay bright colors! Any other ideas to turn our tent from drab to fab on a budget?

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