Friday, November 12, 2010

Let's Hear it for the Boy!

First off: I love Footloose. It's so good!
OK, now for the real post, which is about dressing my future husband for our big day.

When FH and I started brainstorming about ideas for the wedding, one word came up frequently: CASUAL. Now, casual is kind of a funny word, because it doesn't mean sloppy. It means comfortable. I had a friend's husband ask "so I can't wear my sweats?". This guy wears sweats whenever humanly possible. He loves them (he did wear a tux for his wedding, for the record). I told him no. No sweats, but you can wear Khakis! I'm absolutely OK with Khakis. In fact, I initially told FH that he and the boys could wear Khakis and polos (or a button down). Something like this:
Look at how comfy these guys are!

Then THIS happened:
That's right. My dress. That I fell in love with and spent far too much money on. It officially increased the dressy factor of the wedding. When I was trying it on both mothers said "You know the boys can't wear polos when you wear that". Drats. OK. Back to the drawing board for the boys!

Still wanting to be casual, we considered a linen or Khaki suit. Something like this:
Future hubs took one look at this and said: "A Khaki suit? and when would I EVER wear that again?". Well, we live in the middle of the country. No where even CLOSE to an ocean or beach. The answer? Never. Poo.

Well, then we discussed more traditional suit options. Future hubs doesn't like suits. Words that have actually come out of his mouth: "it does nothing for my figure". That's right girls, even if they pretend they don't care what they look like, they do. Now, I can kind of understand his hesitation, because his current suits are pretty boxy. He's tall and thin, and it's impossible to buy off-the-rack for a tall man without it being large as well. 
Jimmy Hamelin Photography
Now, I have nothing against a boxy suit. I come from a family of broad bodies. My father and brother look great in a suit like the one above. My fiance, however, does not. He is slim (as in 6'3" and 190 pounds).
His suit needed to be something more like this:
Plus, slim fit suits make me think of Mad Men, and I love Mad Men. 

So, walking through Macys the other day (on the way to Bath and Body Works), we decided to take a stop at suits, and what should we find? This guy (well, not actually the GUY, but the suit):
Slim Fit, looks great on the guy, and regularly $450, but they were having a sale, and we got it for $220. Yay!   
Unfortunately, future hubs tried it on with a black undershirt, so it doesn't do it justice, but you'd better believe there will be pics later of him in it. 

Did anyone else struggle with menswear?

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