Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh yeah, the ceremony

Ummm, something about our wedding has been on the back burner. What could it be? We've picked out food, the photographer, the music, the venue, and we're working on the honeymoon.

OH YEAH, the ceremony.

Now, we're really bright people, I promise. However, when we think of our wedding, we don't really want it to focus on the ceremony, but more on having everyone together and having a good time. In fact, future husband didn't even want a ceremony, as I'd stated before. So, we're going to do something short, sweet, and totally "us".

Instead of reading a passage from the Bible, we'll be reading part of this ADORABLE children's book:
As I mentioned before, my super cool brother will be officiating our ceremony. We'll be writing our own vows. I will not be walking to the wedding march. We will not be lighting a unity candle or having a sand ceremony. Our wedding ceremony is to serve one purpose: to tell others of our love and officially become married. 

Up to this point, I had been blank on aisle decor ideas. Then I remembered this beaut:


So easy, so simple, so pretty. Perfect. We'll only have 5 rows of people max, so it will a short sweet aisle to be sure. 

Now, our chairs are also like those in the above picture. I'll be honest, they're not my favorite. However, what makes dull chairs better? Let me show you!
More expensive, but adds an easy "pop" of color. I think I'll only do the back row of chairs like this, so people don't accidentally get caught in the flowing strands.

The shocking thing? Both of these ideas came to me in a Benadryl induced coma last night. Sigh. Crazy how your mind can work when it's not worried about other things. 

What am I forgetting? I'm sure there's something.

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