Saturday, December 4, 2010

Having my cake and eating it too!

As I told you earlier, my wonderful friend Kelly is no longer able to make my cake. I was sad (because Kelly makes the BEST cakes), but understood. In fact, I think it may have been a good thing, because the second I told future hubs about the change in plans, he pulls out his wallet.

Me: "What are you doing?"
FH: "Well, Brian and I were at Judi's (a local bakery/cafe) yesterday, and I saw them preparing to deliver a wedding cake. The guy behind the counter saw me kind of gawking, and gave me his card. He's awesome, and so was that cake".

Now, Judi's is delicious, but I've only ever gotten cookies there to go with my lunch (also routinely delicious). I'd never thought of them for the wedding cake before, but I'm all about that idea! So, on my day off Monday, I decided to go and visit Doug, the Marketing Director for Judi's. He told me some easy stats, and told me to send him a pic of the cake design we wanted for a more specific quote. Here's what I sent:
Too cute, right? Only we wanted some things 
Only two tiers, no spacers, butter cream instead of fondant icing, and green and blue dots instead of orange and yellow. Oh, and I wanted them to put it on the cake stand I'm making, and put my homemade cake topper on top for me (I'm not demanding, just opinionated). 

My e-mail response came back the next day. They said not only could they do EVERYTHING I'd specified, but that they would charge only $130 for cake for about 55 people! WHOO!!! We'll be going for a cake testing within the next few weeks, but I am SO EXCITED. Talk about making lemonade, right?

Have any wedding downfalls become some of your biggest triumphs?

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